

时间: 2021-06-28 09:18 浏览次数:

  检测标准:聚碳酸酯(EU 10/2011) PC Polycarbonate products(EU 10/2011)
  全面迁移之10% 酒精浸取法(pH>4.5水性食物) Overall migration in 10% ethanol (pH>4.5 aqueous foods)
  全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法(pH≤4.5酸性食物) Overall migration in 3% acetic acid (pH≤4.5 acidic foods)
  全面迁移之20% 酒精浸取法(含酒精浓度≤20%的食物) Overall migration in 20% ethanol (alcohol content≤20% foods)
  全面迁移之50% 酒精浸取法(含酒精浓度>20%的食物或水包油食物) Overall migration in 50% ethanol (alcohol content>20% or oil in water emulsions)
  全面迁移之橄榄油或橄榄油替代物浸取法(脂肪性食物) Overall migration in rectified olive oil or substitute of rectified olive oil (fatty foods)
  3%醋酸中初级芳香胺特殊迁移 Specific migration of primary aromatic amine in 3 % acetic acid
  3%醋酸的可溶出重金属(钡、钴、铜、铁、锂、锰、锌) Soluble heavy metal (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn)
  50%乙醇的BPA溶出量测试 Specific migration of BPA in 50% ethanol
  BPA总量(针对PC奶瓶或印有BPA free标签的PC产品或3岁以下儿童产品) Total BPA (only for PC milk bottle and PC material with BPA free label or for under 3 years old infant product)


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