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EU Toy standard EN71-3 Update to Version 2019
Time: 2019-08-27 18:15 Views:


The European Union issued 2018/C 282/02 on August 10, 2018, updating the relevant standards for the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC. In April of this year, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) released the toy safety standard EN 71 Part 3: 2019 version of the migration of specific elements.

The updated standard EN71-3:2019 will replace the currently used EN71-3:2013+A3:2018 standard by October 31 this year.

1. Revise the hexavalent chromium (Cr VI) limit for the third category of materials from 0.2 mg/kg to 0.053 mg/kg and will take effect on November 18, 2019, before which the 0.2 mg/kg limit is still valid.

2. For coating samples, the requirements for sieving will be removed. The relevant screen requirements (pre-Appendix C) have also been deleted. The wax removal procedure was changed from n-heptane capture for 6h to isooctane extraction for 60 minutes.

3. Revised the pH adjustment process in the migration procedure. For samples with buffer system, it is necessary to adjust the pH value four times to increase the control step of pH after migration.

4. Revised the test method for hexavalent chromium (Cr VI), the test method for trivalent chromium (Cr III) and hexavalent chromium (Cr VI) was changed from LC-ICP-MS to IC-ICP-MS, and the revised method has been able to contains a limited amount of material for all categories.

5. Appendix G revised the test method for organotin, increasing the amount of organic tin from 10 to 11. Table G.1 organotin new material is dimethyl tin.

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